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Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  Loss

 Rajit Anakkathil

UST Global


Why? A Question unanswered now, unanswered today and unanswered forever.
A question so mockingly rhetoric
Answering with its vanishing presence
A vanishing presence, so apt yet so cruel
A moment so cruel, yet so colossal
Crashing through life, breaking this existence
Causing ripples, silently rising and growing
The object, the cause, has sunk silently
Yet the ripples remain forever
Crashing onto the shore at moments
Bringing memories, so sweet, so much missed
Hopes, wishes which will exist
As they are, mere ripples,
Which will one day crash onto the shore
With each crash reality dawning, the finality, the futility, the helplessness
the cruelty, the pity, the anger,
the void, the void, the void…
and floating in it the omnipresent question