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Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  Uprising of bastards

Uprising of bastards


Everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom

Grabbing the bribes from the dens of hell

to the house of heaven denying justice

everywhere you find them


They came in white with the feather of an angel

snatch your truth and reality.

everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom


They corrupt your mind ,feed on your fear

drag you to the pit of darkness and misery

mutate you to one of them ,a bastard.

everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom


Afraid of the will power, afraid of the light

afraid of reality, afraid of a smile

running from the truth, hiding from kindness

digging the holes of lies

everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom.


Fuse with every colour and group

run with every blood

walk with every sins

everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom.


Truth is the key,wisdom is the weapon

smile is the shield,will is the army

light is the warrior angel,

everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom.



Everywhere you find them

left to right and top to bottom.

But does it matter ?

,no it doesn’t matter because

some created the god,some created the devil,some are powerful beings

some can crush them and have for dinner

defend their uprisings ,enjoy the dreams.