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Prathidhwani women's Forum presents KidzKlub - Let's hang with the gang

kidzklubjune 19

Prathidhwani is conducting weekend programs with different exciting activities exclusively for the children of IT employees.

Schedule (June 19 -20)

Fun With Gardening

- All age groups

- June 19 2021,4pm - 5pm

- Conducted by Yeleena Thomas, EY

Prakruthiyum Kavithayum

- 6yrs - 12yrs

- June 20 2021,4pm - 5pm

- Conducted by Manoharan K, Member of Eureka Editorial board.

For Registration:


1. Parental assistance needed for children under 7 years.

2. No registration required for already registered people.

Call +919446583898(Rajalekshmi) for any queries.