Kerala is striving together as a fraternity to overcome catastrophic flood. However, we have noticed that some are trying to malign this great effort with misinformation in the form of fake messages on social media. Police have been instructed to take strict measures against such cyber offenders. Also Spotted some fraudulent messages/posters with altered CMDRF account numbers as well. Kerala is exhibiting monumental strength to bounce back from this tragedy, and anyone who is trying to pull us down will face serious consequences.
Rumours have been spread that the Ockhi disaster relief fund has not been used efficiently. Apart from releasing 20 Lakh rupees grant at record pace for dead/missing person's family in Ockhi tragedy, government has also disbursed central fund of 2 lakh for each fisherman impacted by Okhi cyclone. Grants were released directly to bank accounts of victim/families, and is currently releasing aid for fisheries equipment. We've been utilizing Ockhi relief fund with utmost care and will continue to do so. Your contribution to disaster relief fund no matter how big or small it is, will be issued to deserving people. Request each one of you to contribute to CMDRF to support our mission to rebuild lives in impacted areas.