Sajina Ali working at PIT Solutions Pvt Ltd is all set to publish her first book “When the sun sets…” on 5th Feb 2015. She had participated in the Prathidhwani's creative writing contest 'Srishti 2014' and many appreciated her story “The Outlandish”. We, Prathidhwani wish all the very best for Sajina Ali and hope the book will get good readership from technopark itself.
Name of the book: “When the sun sets…”
Name of Author: Sajina Ali
Name of publisher: Revelation house books
Book release date: 5th Feb 2015
Short description about the book:
When the sun sets… is a love story based on some real life incidents that happened between Joana and Niranjan. Coming from different religions and faraway places, they fell in love with each other. They complimented and were surprises for each other. Niranjan liked to hear stories and Joana would read for him. They vowed to be with each other no matter what came in their way.
Soon fate played its role when she had to move to Bangalore, the city where Niranjan was working, exactly when he got a transfer to Kerala. But they were still together. Suddenly the right moment came for them to work in the same campus few meters apart, but they and their lives were changed by then..They had a long way to fight over their religions and their parents. But when they won the arguments, their fate was wiating with its own surprises. This is not just a love tale, but a dream that turned to be a reality for two hearts! Sometimes loving someone is not that easy, especially when the distance and time makes you wait for so long and still you don’t know when it ends…
Please read Sajina’s story published during “Srishti 2014”