Prathidhwani submitted improvement suggestions for Prepaid auto counter, technopark to SP, Thiruvananthapuram. Please see the details below
Dear Rajpal Meena Sir,
We, Prathidhwani – Socio Cultural organization of Technopark would like to draw your attention to some complaints regarding prepaid auto counter in technopark main gate. Prepaid auto counter in technopark was a long pending demand by technopark employees. It has definitely helped to regularize the fares and ensured more security to technopark employees.
We, Prathidhwani has constructed the prepaid counter and provided software for the counter. We did not take part in fare determination discussions, but we are also hearing complaints by certain technopark employees, thinking that we were part of auto fare determination. Complaints are mainly with respect to charges. We know, this is a rural place and autos running here, may not be able to pick passengers from any other auto stand. By considering the limitations, we have some suggestions to improve working of the prepaid counter to make it the BEST PREPAID AUTO COUNTER IN THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.
1. To some places, auto fare determined is about double of the meter charge.?We have cross checked with many pre-paid counters working in city and nearby, everywhere the maximum auto fare is ‘meter charge + half’ when the journey is to outside the city limits. Inside city limits the prepaid autos in the city are taking meter charge only.
2. We need to determine prepaid auto fares for more places. At present there are fares for only 120 places available in the software. Auto fares for atleast 250 nearby places should be available in the counter for smooth working of counter.
3. Auto fares should be reduced for more regular short distance travel like nearby hostels, flats, karyavattom etc as done for Kazhakoottam and inside technopark. For Kazhakoottam junction and railway station as well as inside technopark, now the auto fare is Rs.20/- where it was Rs.25/- before.
4. For same kilometer of travel, now different fares exists in the present fares. For same distance of travel, we need to ensure that there is no different auto fares. Also there won’t be any issues, if we calculate the fares for per kilometer and return charge percentage to be added to meter charge to get the actual fare.
5. There should be a forum of police, auto drivers and technopark employees to discuss the discrepancies related to auto fares and operation of counter .Prathidhwani is ready to anchor the initiative to conduct the forum once in every month or once in every two month.
Also we, Prathidhwani offer our unconditional help to POLICE department for addressing genuine complaints regarding prepaid auto counter.
Thanks !
Yours faithfully,
Socio-Cultural Organisation of Technopark