There are lot of discrepancies existing in auto fares fixed for prepaid counter and We, Prathidhwani demand police authorities to fix the discrepancies as early as possible. Prepaid auto counter is a dream come true for technopark employees, but it will be truely beneficial to employees only when fares to various places are fixed properly according to the rules.
Prepaid auto counter : facts and demands by Prathidhwani
1. fares were fixed between police and auto unions initially and technopark employees were not involved in the same.
2. Prepaid auto fares were fixed for less than 20 places, when Prepaid auto counter started, there was a lack of due diligence in that aspect.
3. By our continuous demand Kazhakoottam Circle Inspector Sri. Shibu Kumar sir convened a meeting and finalised charges for 120 places last week on 24th June 2014. Please see the fairs fixed here.
4. To all places the auto fare, was double the meter charge before prepaid auto counter started.
5. Inside technopark, to all buildings auofare was Rs.25/- from the main gate before the prepaid auto counter started functioning and now its reduced to Rs.20/- for Bhavani, Park Centre, CDAC and thejaswini. to NILA - autofare is reduced to Rs.15/-.
6. To Kazhakooottam bus stop and railway station auofare was Rs.25/- from the main gate before the prepaid auto counter started functioning and now it is reduced to Rs.20/-.
7. Kilometer was not updated properly in the billing software initially, as it was not given by police. Now kilometer is updated properly to most of the places.
Prathidhwani Demands
1. To some places auto fare fixed is double of the meter charge and its not acceptable. The auto fares should be at the maximum 'meter charge + half'.
2. Need to fix prepaid auto fares for more places. At least a list of 250 nearby places should be available in the counter.
3. Auto fares should be reduced for more regular short distance travel like near by hostels, karyavattom etc, as done for Kazhakoottam and inside technopark.
4. For same kilometer of travel , there should not be different auto fares.
5. There should be a forum of police, auto drivers and technopark employees to discuss the discrepancies related to auto fares and counter. Prathidhwani will try to take the initiative to conduct the forum once in every month or once in every two month.
Please see the different news came in newspapers regarding prepaid auto counter