Inauguration of the Prepaid Auto Counter & Police aid post will be on TODAY ( 16th June 2014) at 06pm infront of Technopark main gate.
Honourable home minister Mr. Ramesh Chennithala will inaugurate the Prepaid Auto Counter & Police aid post.
Prathidhwani conveying our sincere thanks towards honorable home minister Mr. Ramesh Chennithala and police officials Sri. S P Rajpal Meena, DySP Admin Sri. Pramod Kumar, DySP Attingal Sri.R.Prathapan, Kazhakoottam C I Sri. Shibu Kumar, Kazhakoottam SI Sri. Sreejith those who supported to make this happen in a short period of time. Also special thanks to Senior Manger Mr. Vasudevan Sir and park centre authorities for their full support towards this.
Prathidhwani constructed the small prepaid counter by the voluntarily contribution from technopark employees. 143 people or groups contributed towards this from different companies inside technopark. Details of people contributed are available in prathidhwani site (
Prathidhwani planning to hand over the Prepaid Software developed by Prathidhwani serving both Prepaid auto & Taxi requirements.
We, Prathidhwani invite all technopark employees to participate in the function.