Technopark has been providing covered car parking facilities in Gayatri, Nila, Bhavani and Chandragiri @ Rs.500/- per car per slot and @ Rs.750/- per car per slot in Thejaswini building plus service tax since the introduction of these facilities. As per park centre authorities, due to the heavy maintenance and administrative cost, it has become restlessly imperative to increase the car parking charges. Park centre authorities have decided to increase the charges for covered parking slots in all buildings in Phase I campus to Rs.1000/- pm (plus Service Taxes) and are also planning to introduce charges for open car parking slots @ Rs.500/- per month per slot (plus Service Taxes) from April 2014 onwards. It is completely unjustifiable to introduce parking charges for open car parking slots. Also this is not the right method to find money for maintenance and administrative cost. Maintenance and administrative cost should be met from the normal building rent and the allocated space rent and perhaps, also from software export. Technopark has been over flowing with cars for quite some time and parking space crunch has been noticed for a very long time. There is high demand for covered parking spaces and Park centre should be taking steps to provide more covered parking spaces to meet the requirements put forward by the employees. Perhaps, in a situation where the parking slot space cannot be met, an alternative would be promoting use of more public transport by proving more buses and also introducing technopark express circular route more frequently. We Prathidhwani, on behalf of technopark employees, request to rethink on the newly set up parking fee introduced for open car parking slots as it is unjustifiable and condemnable.
Open space parking fee is Unjustifiable and Condemnable
Technopark has been providing covered car parking facilities in Gayatri, Nila, Bhavani and Chandragiri @ Rs.500/- per car per slot and @ Rs.750/- per car per slot in Thejaswini building plus service tax since the introduction of these facilities. As per park centre authorities, due to the heavy maintenance and administrative cost, it has become restlessly imperative to increase the car parking charges. Park centre authorities have decided to increase the charges for covered parking slots in all buildings in Phase I campus to Rs.1000/- pm (plus Service Taxes) and are also planning to introduce charges for open car parking slots @ Rs.500/- per month per slot (plus Service Taxes) from April 2014 onwards. It is completely unjustifiable to introduce parking charges for open car parking slots. Also this is not the right method to find money for maintenance and administrative cost. Maintenance and administrative cost should be met from the normal building rent and the allocated space rent and perhaps, also from software export. Technopark has been over flowing with cars for quite some time and parking space crunch has been noticed for a very long time. There is high demand for covered parking spaces and Park centre should be taking steps to provide more covered parking spaces to meet the requirements put forward by the employees. Perhaps, in a situation where the parking slot space cannot be met, an alternative would be promoting use of more public transport by proving more buses and also introducing technopark express circular route more frequently. We Prathidhwani, on behalf of technopark employees, request to rethink on the newly set up parking fee introduced for open car parking slots as it is unjustifiable and condemnable.