“Go Green” is a largely pronounced theme, but is often used superficially to attract crowd. It’s repeated usage has made it a modern cliché. But the real “Go Green” stuff is of some value. Value is that it has less carbon footprint and ecological foot print.
Now a technopark based techie is showing the way with his green start up called “Sanchi Bags”. He is walking the talk with materials of the bag made of cotton and paper. Both of them are bio degradable and are sourced locally. He provides employment to his village ladies by manufacturing them. This is welcome change from the global supply chains which manufacture things in cheap labour locations. This bag in it’s production and in life cycle does not burden the environment very much.
Zafer, A technopark employee has dreamed about this idea in his college days. But his experience made him an entrepreneur with eco shades. His bag is now a viral stuff in technopark with many of the organisations using it for branding and he has started supplying for meetings in city also. Mr.Zafer is working in TKM Infotech Pvt Ltd @ Technopark and an active member of Prathidhwani - Socio-Cultural organisation of Technopark.
Sanchi Bags marketing has been mouth to ear publicity and even friends of him in social media are helping him get orders. He says he is spending 2 hrs a day for marketing this.Prathidhwani, socio cultutal organization of technopark employees is proud to support zafer and sanchi bags in their journey, majorly due to it’s ecological responsibility and manufacturing method.
The logo of "Sanchi Bags", was released in a function at Park centre by Sri. K V Rajendran ( GM, Technical ) and Sri.K C Chandrasekharan Nair ( CFO ) on 18th February 2014 at 12: 30pm.
Please do visit FB page of Sanchi bags for more info: https://www.facebook.com/SanchiBags
Also do contact Mr.Zafer if you have any order - +91-9995463481 - zaferam90@gmail.com.