In order to expose young professionals to the opportunities in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and related technology areas, the International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS) will be organising ‘The FOSS Young Professional Meet-2013 (FYPM 2013)’ at Technopark here from September 27 to 29.
The programme aims at introducing the young professional community to emerging FOSS-based tools, technologies and trends. “Kerala has an abundance of young professionals in Information Technology, including students, young graduates, start-up companies and students who are in the process of completing their academic programmes in colleges. Besides their energy and vibrancy, this group is also a significant source of innovation in technology domains, which is a much-needed input for the future development of the country,” said ICFOSS director Satish Babu.
The larger objective of the programme is to highlight the opportunities in the FOSS domain to young professionals and enable them to acquire information, skills and competencies.
For those interested, the forum also provides inputs on how to join international FOSS communities and start contributing code, he added.
The lead theme of FYPM 2013 is ‘Open Source Hardware’, which is an explosively growing sector. Open Source Hardware and related domains such as Open Source Robotics offer significant new opportunities to startups.
A project contest on Open Hardware-based solutions is scheduled for September 27 for students, freelancers and startups. The winners of the contest will be awarded attractive new-generation gadgets and an opportunity to demonstrate their solutions to FYPM delegates.
The two other technology themes at FYPM are the Mozilla Developer Network - which will be largely about the forthcoming Firefox OS for smart phones - and CMS programming with Drupal, a workshop which is designed and run by the members of Drupal Community.
The event will also have several invited presentations on topics such as ‘Big Data’, Multilingual Computing’, ‘Javascript Frameworks’ and ‘Context-aware Frameworks’.
A community theme track on ‘FOSS Project Incubation’ will provide inputs to the participants on how to join world-class Open Source community programmes and start contributing to FOSS projects, through initiatives such as Google Summer of Code, Rails Girls and the Gnome Outreach Programme for Women, the last two of which are exclusively for women professionals.
This is to further build on the ICFOSS-Apache mentoring programme launched in June.