It’s time techies dusted off their boots and cricket lessons to charge themselves up for the bat and ball game in the exciting 8x8 way. Technopark, towards this month end, is hosting a power-packed cricket tourney exclusively for techies in the IT hub, where two teams of eight players each will come face-to-face in eight overs per side. The match timings are conveniently arranged from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm starting August 29.
Resembling indoor cricket, the playing area of the flood-lit tennis court on Technopark premises will be netted on five sides with similarities in the rules. Batting for two overs is compulsory for each player and for the loss of a wicket, five runs are deducted. If the batsman hits a four or six, he has to run between the wickets and take a single to add it to the score. One innings will be 45 minutes long.
The tournament is being organised by Sportz4You, a sports management firm in association with the Technopark Club.
“This version of cricket is much popular outside India, where space constraints pose a challenge especially. We wish to achieve the ‘exercise, sports and health’ motto with the tournament. That seven teams turned up after a few days since opening the registration is a positive sign,” says Anoop Ashok, director of Sportz4You. 32 teams will play altogether.
Other than this, for ensuring the participation of women, special matches will also be organised. Their teams also will be of eight players, of which one-half, comprising women, will bat and bowl, while the other half, consisting of men, will field.
Live scores will be made available through Facebook and videos uploaded on YouTube within a few hours after the matches are over.Cash prizes worth Rs 2 lakh are awaiting the winners and the final will be held on September 11.
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