Blood Donation App ‘Manusham’ Launched in Thiruvananthapuram A mobile application which connects blood receivers to the nearest donors was launched on Tuesday. Developed by DYFI activists, the app called ‘Manusham’ gives details about registered donors within five kilometer range of the person seeking blood. “ Around 10,000 donors have already registered. Those in need of blood need not register and can use the mobile app to search for donors anywhere in Thiruvananthapuram. At present, the app covers only Thiruvananthapuram,” says Sreejesh Pillai, who is one of the key developers of the app. Anyone using a multimedia mobile could be able to download the application from Google play store
The app was launched by Kodiyeri Balakrishnan at VJT Hall. He called blood donation and organ donation highly secular acts. “ A Muslim person would donate blood to a Christian. A Hindu’s heart would be used in a Muslim. From this, it is clear how secular these activities are,” he said. M V Shreyams Kumar MLA said that though there was a stigma surrounding organ or blood donation, now more people are coming forward to help. He said that the response of the people of Kerala to Chennai flood relief activities has been overwhelming. Initiatives like these and the Manusham app prove that goodness still exists in the world, he said. Government Medical College Superintendent K Mohandas said that even though organ donation is gaining popularity, a majority of the people are still not aware of it. Many a time, relatives of a brain dead person would be reluctant to donate organs, he said. He said that there should be more initiatives to spread awareness on the issue. DYFI State Secretary T V Rajesh MLA, District President P Biju, District Secretary I Saju, School of Bhagavatgita Director Sandeepananda Giri, Asianet News Chief M G Radhakrishnan and various media persons attended the function.