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Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  Epiphany.


It's dark everywhere..She was looking around..afraid..Her eyes are searching for someone..her brown eyes and thin short hair strands fallen on side of her face seemed like she travelled a long distance..She looked at the phone..Battery low..2%..Ya it's gonna die within minutes..wiping her face with shawl she looked around..All she was expecting was an attack and a news for next day.

She sat on the was broken at the edge..There was many white marks made by crows...She didn't mind these things..Started rewinding the whole day...I am nikita..23 year old law student..Left home because of parents who never concerned me or my dreams...It's long year's thought to leave home and lead a life of my own..Started learning law..Found a part time work at restaurant.It was not easy for me like an introvert woman to do all these things on a day..All of a sudden I changed my life into another level..I was happy? No..I was sad?..No..I can't define...At times I used to say myself looking at the mirror..Nikita you are falling..falling and falling..After few minutes the same me scolds myself and are growing my dear..These switched emotions conquered the balance of my life...Am I depressed ? No..Nikita never agrees her down state to anyone..Because sympathy overrides empathy...

The day why I felt mad and ran out of the class..walked down the streets...ate all the junk foods I never liked..Breaking all the policies I made for me..I wish to fly like a bird..Some force tempted me to walk railway station..Got into the train..None came..everyone got down at their stations..I also got down..Here..At this strange place...Am I became insane to go such an unsafe place alone? Maybe!!! She was into deep thoughts...Suddenly she felt a cold hand on her back..Nikita was frozen..Am I strong enough if someone comes to rape me? She turned back..There was an old woman standing behind her..She asked nikita.."Kyom beti..andhera mein akela baitthi ho?" (Why are you sitting alone in darkness "?) Her eyes filled without asking permission to herself...She didn't knew who was that old woman..Nikita holded her hands and cried..Love doesn't need conversation..It never need bonds or friendship...That old woman's hand was running slowly through her brown thin hair strands and they spoke...

Sun light.....She was laying on the bench..Got up..People were staring...She was looking around..Where is that granny? Was it a dream? Never...Her throat dried out of pain..Someone who made her alive and disappeared...Nikita walked and found a washroom...freshed up..Standing at the counter for tickets..Her eyes was running around for that pale slim face smiled at her all the night...She didn't find...

She opened her dairy and wrote...

Whatever it happen life has to go on...If you are adamant about what you want...It will come to you in some way..Like I got yesterday...